Proud Mum Shares 11-Year-Old Daughter's Inspiring Junior Lifeguard and Surfboard Art Story

Proud Mum Shares 11-Year-Old Daughter's Inspiring Junior Lifeguard and Surfboard Art Story

11-year-old Trinity, a budding lifeguard with Henley Surf Club, shares her passion for the ocean through her stunning surfboard art using Surfpaints. Inspired by deep-sea creatures and personal milestones, Trinity's creative journey showcases the ease and fun of Surfpaints, offering valuable tips for fellow young artists. Discover her story and get inspired to dive into your own artistic adventures!1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and Trinity? What surf club are you a part of, if any?Trinity is 11 years old and is a Junior Lifeguard (nipper, but likes to be called a future lifeguard) in the making with Henley Surf Club in South Australia. Trinity has loved the ocean and anything to do with water, marine life, ocean treasure hunts, and the lost city of Atlantis from a very young age.2. We'd love to know how you came across Surfpaints. What is your favourite thing about Surfpaints, and why did you choose our products for this project?Trinity has been searching for over 12 months for a product that is Australian-made, easy to use, and straightforward with step-by-step methods. Trinity has been saving her own money to fix her board, learning how to fiberglass and use resin, and how to use light projectors to get her pictures onto the board. She is so proud of herself that she has even created her own logo. As a parent, it has been awesome watching her talk about her board and show people photos of her progress and the new skills she has learned. My favourite thing about Surfpaints is that they are easy to use and fun to draw with instead of using a spray can. You can fix mistakes easily, and you can use them on old board stickers to refresh and make them look new again.

3. Your painted surfboard has captured our attention. Could you share with us the story behind that and how you came up with the idea?
My theme for my board was inspired by my love of the deep sea and its creatures. It includes hidden references to my Surf Club, my lucky state championship number that gave me the best results I have ever had, and an ancient Greek word for someone who loves the ocean. My board also features special spirit fish and words of wisdom from family and friends to give me courage when I feel like I have nothing more to give or am too nervous to compete.
4. Could you share specific challenges you've encountered in your art projects, and how Surfpaints have been a helpful resource in overcoming these challenges?
Preparing the surface correctly at the beginning is very important. Surf Paints were also really good at rejuvenating strap labels that I could not remove from the board.
5. Do you have any tips or advice for other artists who may be interested in working with Surfpaints or upcycling their own items?
Prepare the surface, ensuring that all hairline cracks are sealed and that the surface is excellent for painting. Buy metallic and pastel paints, as these look awesome on boards, especially when they are used to complement one another.
Bonus Question:
What message or piece of advice would you like to impart to other parents who have kids with a passion for arts and surfing?
Buy the Starter kit and use the inspiration booklet, as well as resources like Pinterest and colouring books such as Mandalay books, for inspiration.
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