Just in case you have missed it, We have been doing weekly emails, and social media posts called the 'Interviewer Series'. This is where we hand-select members from our community and hear the stories behind their amazing designs.
One Question we always ask is, What was one tool or technique that helped you achieve this amazing design?
Some of the responses have blown us away with how a tool or simple technique can help create a massive difference in the finished artwork. So we thought, why not put these hacks all together, so you can reap the benefits.
1) Cut open the base of the pens to colour a full board.
When we were told this one, it was like a slap to the forehead. Imagine how much time we would save if we just cut them open and use the foam brush or scraper to spread the paint. Plus, we found that doing this gave our boards a thicker coat of colour, and it looked amazing when it dried. The days of doing small dots are over.
2) Use Tape to seal off an area.
This technique was used across the community. Whenever you intend to paint a tight section or a straight line, use masking tape to seal off any areas you do not want the paint to go into. Once the paint is dry, pull off the tape, and you're done. Perfect straight line and has no paint spilled. 3) Use the Pencil to sketch out your design first A well-planned design is a key to success. Using the pencil first to draw up your design seems to be a no-brainer for some but a crucial step missed by others. Because of how great our product bonds to surfaces, it can be hard to remove if a mistake is made. So sketch it out, then paint away. 4) Time Take your time, Don’t Rush and have fun with it. Painting your board is meant to be fun so don't stress yourself out, Enjoy it.
5) Ask for advice A second opinion can be pretty helpful at the finishing-off stage. A simple comment such as paint the Rails Black or why not add some detail lines has taken artwork to the next level and washed away the artwork hangovers. If you have any Tools and Techniques that aren't on this list or If you want to be featured in our Interviewer series, Reach out. We would love to hear from you.