I sold my stuff on gumtree to buy SurfPaints

I sold my stuff on gumtree to buy SurfPaints

"I like painting my board to remind me not to hold back and make me feel good." -Ivy

Hi Ivy, Welcome to the SurfPaints Interview Series! Lets kick things off by completing the following statement:

Can we start with finishing the below statement

I paint because…
It inspires me to go surfing and I love making my surfboards unique. I feel like its me on the board, because I know that is is mine and no one will have the same design as me!

1. Can you introduce yourself? Age, location, occupation, surfing experience, anything relevant?
Hi my name is Ivy. I am 10yrs old. I live in Perth, WA and have surfed since I was 4.

2. When did you start painting surfboards?
I started painting surfboards on the 15th of March, 2020 when I got my first glass board on my birthday.

3. What do you find the hardest part about painting a surfboard?
The hardest part is finding a different design ever time, so you can love all your boards the same as the others.

4. Where do you get your design inspiration from?
I get my design inspiration from pro surfers that decorate their surfboards like Mia McCarthy and Eli Olson. I like to give my boards a bit of funkiness.

5. How did you prepare the surfboard before painting it with Surfpaints to ensure the paint bonded well?
I draw all my designs in my surf book and when it comes to painting, I sometimes switch them when I look at them on cardboard testing paper.

7. What is your favourite thing about Surfpaints paint pens and the brand itself?
My favourite part about surf paint pens are how the colours are different to any other products, they look awesome on surfboards and how sick they look when surfing down the line.

8. One piece of advice you would like to give others about painting a surfboard for their first time?
Have fun with it! Don't put pressure on yourself and just see what comes. Whatever it is, it will be a unique expression of you.

9. Anything else you would like to add?
Just that I fully appreciate the opportunity to share my ever evolving journey of creativity.

My Story

I had $150 dollars in my piggy bank so I decided to sell my old foamy and skateboard of gumtree. With the money I saved from selling my items and the commission I got from helping dad sell one of his old boards, I had just enough money to pay off the surfboard and SurfPaints from my local surf store “Boardstore”.

I downloaded a picture of the board and started designing how it was going to be decked out with my SurfPaints. I like my board painting to remind me to not hold back and make me feel good. SO I spent the next week designing and then testing all the different pastel and primary colours on my design. I worked out the colour for the slogan DHB (Don’t Hold Back) text first and then worked out what colours would work for the flames.

I penciled the design on first. It took me all night (way past my bedtime haha) but I just had to finish it. The next day we sprayed it with varnish. I am so stoked with it. I surfed it for the first time the other day and had the best surf, the board is wicked and the SurfPaints have helped me make it even more special.

That’s my story of the Red Ripper


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